Monday 14 October 2024

August & September 2024

 Sorry - I thought I had sent out an August Blog - cannot find it so am combining it with September.

 A pair of Little Corellas turned up at our bird seed and terrorised the local Sulphur-crested Cockatoos

The Eastern Spinebills are still around and spend a lot of time in the red Eremophila

One of a flock of 20 plus Goldfinches

This Spotted Pardalote kept looking for a hollow
 that had been sealed up where we had coffee

An old shearing shed near Coppins Crossing

Male Superb Fairywren


Great Cormorants at West Belconnen Pond

Cattle feeding

Our Tawny Frogmouth sitting

One of the vehicles at the Canberra Classic Cars run

Old Fassifern Stables

Old Fassifern Stables

Old Fassifern Stables

Jim took me for a day trip down the south coast with Jasmin. 

Bingi Point

Jasmin (looking like Gandalf without the beard)

Red-capped Plovers

Gulls and Terns - sheltering from the wind


Eastern Reef Heron

Sooty Oystercatcher

Looking south towards Bermagui

Lace along the beach

Bingi Point

Rainbow over the house opposite from #33

The U3A group we belong to had a bus trip to Goulburn.  Our first stop was
Hamilton Hume's residence at Goulburn.

 It is still lived in by Hume's descendants

Organ at Goulburn Cathedral

Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Kookaburra looking for a feed

Pipit on a post

Friday 2 August 2024

May (part 2) June and July 2024

 Sorry - I seemed to have overlooked all these.  It will be a BIG catchup

May (Second Half)

Photographing birds at Fogg Dam

Fogg Dam Sunset

Freshwater Croc along the road at Fogg Dam

As the water dries up from the wet, small fish and other aquatic creatures become prey for the birds

Young Black-necked Stork -(Jabiru)

Pied Heron

Adult Black-necked Stork - (Jabiru)

Roosting time

Roosting tree

Tracks in the sand

Lizard Tracks in the sand

Manton Dam Trip

Manton Dam Trip

Fig Bird 

Darwin Waterfront Lights

Sunrise at Lee Point

Lee Point beach From the drone

Shadows (at Lee Point)

Dolphins playing

Esme wanting to join in


White fronted Woodswallows cuddling

Mangrove Jack - I have been wanting to catch one for a long time

Striated Heron in the mangroves

Sunset at Frying Nemo (best fish 'n chips in Darwin)

Bush Stone Curlew

Magpie Geese flyby

Black kites

Saltwater Creek by drone

Rainbow Bee-eater

Lily at Sanctuary Lakes

Spiral Palm

Bush Stone Curlews

George Brown Botanic Gardens trees

More Frying Nemo

Paperbark Flycatcher

June - heading for home

The floodwaters were receding along the Barkley Highway, but lots of birds had turned up to feed on what was trapped

Pelicans and ducks

Pied Stilt

Lake Mary Anne at Tennant Creek

Karlu Karlu (Devil's Marbles)

Between Tennant Creek and Alice Springs

Coober Pedy

South of Coober Pedy

Salt Lake south of Lake Hart

Heading east from Peterborough SA

Latham Sunrise

Local Kangaroos on my walk

July - around Latham

Many of the Latham pine trees are now past their 'useful date'

Swamp Wallaby along Ginninderra Creek

Stepping stones over Ginninderra Creek

New Walkway along G Creek

A Crimson Crimson Rosella

Murrumbidgee River at Uriarra in the fog

Eastern Rosella checking the seed supply @ #33

Goldfinch - numbers seem to be increasing

Another painted pumping station 

Galahs at #33

Foggy start to the day

Another sunrise

Where the John Gorton Drive will cross the Molonglo River

Fox - making off with a small Kangaroo carcase

August & September 2024

 Sorry - I thought I had sent out an August Blog - cannot find it so am combining it with September.  A pair of Little Corellas turned up at...