Saturday, 31 March 2018

March 2018

March is done and dusted.  No travels outside Canberra, but my photographic challenge for this month was interior architecture.  Not having anything like that in my collection, I needed to go looking with the camera.

Old Parliament House -  House of Representatives Chamber

National Arboretum Visitors Centre

Parliament House - House of Representatives Chamber

Parliament House - Senate Chamber

Canberra Hyatt

Canberra Hyatt (1)

Court 1 - High Court of Australia

Canberra Airport Hotel

Hotel Hotel - Canberra

Hotel Hotel - Canberra (2)
 After much deliberation, (1) and (2) were my submissions.

Now for the remainder of the month......

Obligatory dog photos - they do make me laugh at times.

Esme & Pepper - morning dog walk

Esme looking for a game

Sunset over lake Ginninderra

Balloons rising at the Canberra Balloon Festival

Sunrise balloons

Canberra Balloon Festival

National Museum of Australia - memories of many years ago

Kookaburra on the morning dog walk

Wee weir on Ginninderra Creek

Thursday, 1 March 2018

February 2018

Hi All - A quiet month (photographically speaking), but busy in other ways.  Dawn is getting later, and I now have my morning coffee before walking the dogs.

We had a few days at Batemans Bay at the beginning of the month, resulting in some fish and some photos.

Drone aerial of the Batemans Bay waterfront at dawn.

Dawn's light behind Snapper Island

Maloney's Beach before the crowds

Norfolk Pines along the beach

Batemans Bay bridge at dawn

Marina at Dawn

Lace on the beach

Back in Canberra, I tried a few sunrises - some were worth it, some not.

Lake Ginninderra dawn

Drone aerial of Belconnen CBD

Some of Des's Birthday flowers

Drone aerial straight down on myself and the dogs

Drone aerial of Ginninderra Creek after a flooding.

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...