Monday, 3 June 2019

May Movements 2019

Autumn closing and WINTER arrived a few days early.

Along G Creek - Infra-red.  Fun playing with colours.

Early May we drove up to Long Plain (near Kiandra) to Long Plain Hut.  This hut was built in 1916  as accommodation for cattlemen moving their stock onto the high plains for summer.  It is now part of the Kosciusko National Park and maintained by the Land Rover Club of the ACT (of which I was once President), in conjunction with the National Parks NSW.

Long Plain Hut

Two of the many brumbies on Long Plain

Long Plain Hut

From the air

More brumbies - I think it was in the region of 100+ we saw, and speaking
 to a Ranger, he counted about 500 when he drove a full circuit of Long Plain

Aerial pano of Eucumbene plain

One morning walk I encountered a group of Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos.  These generally turn up late autumn to feed on casuarina seeds along the creek.  They will also tear into large branches to get grubs they can hear chewing.

These two are also infra-red photos taken further downstream on G Creek where it leave the suburbs and empties into the Murrumbidgee River

I have also acquired a better welder, and as practice and for fun, have been welding up these things.


Oaks at McKeller woods,  turning

Path through the oaks

IR at Lake Burley Griffin

Wallaby and young along G Creek

Crazy Cocky - spent a few minutes just hanging out before screeching off

Kingsford Smith & Southern Cross Drive intersection

Waiting for the oaks to turn colour - then a wintry blast shredded them.

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...