During winter of 2014, I noticed a pair at the start of my normal morning walk with my dog. That year, they started nesting mid-October and raised and fledged one bird.
In 2015, they built their nest in the same spot and hatched out three young, but one did not survive.2016
During the winter of 2016, their nest tree blew down in a storm, and although the birds were present in the area, I did not find their nest, and did not know how many were fledged.2017
In 2017, I happened to notice the male bird sitting high in a dead tree, apparently on a nest. They raised and fledged three youngsters.
It is possible that this is where they nested in 2016.
In 2018, a nest was again built in the same place as 2017, but was either destroyed by wind or Pied Currawongs, and was rebuilt in another tree. The pair again hatched and raised three young.
This year, 2019, the nest was again built in the original 2017 tree, and again the pair hatched and raised three young.