Wednesday, 1 April 2020

2020 - March Madness

COVID19 and not being able to travel or be visited by friends and family is a b...........

March started with us still in Queensland.  Visited the Mangrove Walk at Wynnum and enjoyed it.

Wynnum Mangrove Boardwalk
We travelled home via Warwick, Goondawindi and the Newell Highway.  I finally managed a decent photo of this Warwick display.

Rain transformed Canberra - travelling south, we were amazed at how green everything had become since about 6 weeks previously when it was still dry.  The driest, least green was between Cowra and Canberra around Boorowa.

Water flowing off the Pinnacle

Taken in November 2019

Same tree and Hillside taken in March 2020

Dams were overflowing and grass growing.

The rate grass is growing in my backyard requires the lawnmower every 10 days.

Juvenile Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike

Hillside boulder on my morning walk

King Parrots posing

We went for a morning's drive that started out to see how Namadgi was recovering from the fires, but the road was blocked off near the Visitors' Centre, so we returned home via Tidbinbilla and the Cotter.  We were surprised to see how close people were in the Cotter Camp-ground, given the health warnings.

Granite Tors

Granite Tors

Near Tidbinbilla

Infra-red of pine forest

Drone view of Lambrigg.  White splashes on the dam were ducks landing.

Ribbon Gum with its skirts dangling

Crimson Rosella

New shoots from a hail damaged bush

White Ibis 

Every Gum trunk is individual

Infra red Reeds

Yet another Gum


Kookaburra - shifted to another perch

Looking scraggly
 April may be weird if I cannot get photos - there may be a review of some older photos.

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...