Friday, 1 May 2020

April Activities 2020

Covid 19 - Please stay at home. Only venue forth for groceries, exercise or medical/pharmaceuticals.  Keep at least 1.5 metres from anyone not in your household.   Essentially 'stuck at home'.

My venturing forth was occasional groceries and daily exercising (walking the dogs locally).  Photographically - some macro photos around the garden, lots of trying for star trails from front verandah, and whatever I met on the dog walks.

Raindrops on gum leaf

Correa up close

Moss even closer

Ginninderra Creek stepping stones

Not ferns, but new wattle growth

Dandelion ready to blow

A lot of places had stuffed toys in trees or windows for young children when they were being taken for a walk.  There were a lot at one stage around the creek walk until some ratbags cut them down.

Kiddies wild-life 

Wet African Daisy

Through the Front Door

Esme dozing - early morning light

Willie Wagtail

 One morning I had a family of Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos feeding in the Casurinas along the creek.

Everlasting Daisy (macro)


Inquisitive Magpie

The other Everlasting Daisy

Pinnacle Walk

Lichen on granite

Star trails from the front verandah

Along the Creek

Southern Cross Sky

April closed with a good rain, and the Creek became impassable at the stepping stones.

Creek through the Gold

G Creek flowing a banker

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...