Still staying within the ACT and staying safe. Main items this month were FIRE, FLOOD and SNOW.
(The BLOG software has been changed - causing me some problems and unable to display photos as I wish. It also appears that the photos cannot be expanded to full screen).
The fire was the aftermath of last summer's fires that raged through the Namadgi National Park. The Boboyan Road through to Adaminaby was opened after it had been cleared of fire debris and roadside barriers replaced. Roads leading off to the west were still closed when we went through.
Fire ravaged bush and the slow regeneration. It will be interesting in late Spring to see whether there is an increase in wildflowers.
Above is Hospital Gully - looking over towards the Brindabella Main Range, and below are some of the granite Tors that can now be seen as the fire has burnt off the screening bush.

An Eastern Rosella enjoying a thistle seed head.
After a very wet weekend, Ginninderra Creek overflowed its banks. The bench seat above is about 5 metres above the stepping stones where I normally cross on my morning walk.
Most of my walking path is under water.
Scrivenor Dam was letting water through and down the Molonglo River.
Coppins Crossing (a low level crossing over the Molonglo River) was closed, and flood debris built up against it.
The Tawny Frogmouth pair that I have been watching for at least 6 years started nesting, and the male started sitting in the middle of the month.
King parrots visit the bird feed from time to time, although this time the male was rather shy.
All Eastern Grey Kangaroos were heavy with joeys, and enjoyed the morning sun.
Somewhere in the Pinnacle nature Reserve
One weekend, snow fell in parts of Canberra, but blanketed the Brindabellas. My morning walk that day was in the Pinnacle Nature Reserve followed by a drive along Uriarra Road.
Grey Butcher Birds are slowly becoming common in and around Canberra.
Morning dog walk in the fog to Shepherd's Lookout with the Murrumbidgee River just visible.
Grape vines waiting for warmer weather.
Grey Fantails have returned and often follow me on my walk
Kookaburras are also looking for nesting hollows.