Tuesday, 1 February 2022

January 2022

 What a month.  Early in the month, a hail and windstorm hit Belconnen, ripping apart trees and wiping out vegetation, gardens and power lines.  We were without power for four days, but thankfully Keith brought a generator around so we could keep the refrigerator and freezer going.  A fortnight later we both contracted Covid19 and had to isolate for a week. I was not affected very badly, although miserable, but Des is still suffering effects.

We made a second visit to Lake George to obtain some aerial photos of the lake with water in it.

Lake George, looking west

Lake George, looking east

A flock of teal took off whilst we were in the area

The storm ripped the top off one of our trees and it lay over the power lines

Aborists clearing the tree

Arborist clearing the tree

Another tree over my normal walking path

Yet another trip to the green waste to get rid of the tree.  Cleanup was a DIY job

A part of our backyard after clearing out the foliage

There was a lot of trees snapped off 3-5 metres above the ground

Willie Wagtail

Darter having its say

Young Tawny Frogmouth back in the area for a visit

Spider in its web

Dusky Woodswallow - followed by aerial manoeuvres

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...