Wednesday, 8 March 2023

January & February 2023

 Things have been very quiet around here - so have combined the months of January and February.

Took grandson Ben fishing at Googong and this is the picture he drew of the day.  The detail he remembered was fantastic - the outboard motor could not be used so was elevated out of the water; he was using a spinning reel, I was using a bait caster;  the fish of the day were Redfin; and the swirly bits were the dreaded southerly wind that chased us home. Ben was reluctant to show me that he had drawn himself catching a fish, and not Pop! 😃

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo eating the wattle seeds

Sunset over the Parkwood Dam


Male Eastern Koel

Bearded Dragon - often seen, but usually hides quickly

Lake Ginninderra shoreline during an early morning trip in the boat.

Rainbow Lorikeet 

Our Christmas Cactus just keeps on flowering this year.

Mist lifting from Googong Dam

Rainbow Lorikeet demanding seed

Juvenile Crimson Rosella

The Coots have returned - local ponds were bare earlier as they followed the floods

Little Pied Cormorant and Little Black Cormorant - getting nervous

Young Eastern Water Dragon

Female Red-Rumped Grass Parrot

Male Red-Rumped Grass parrot

The Swamp Wallaby is still around

Welcome Swallows chasing insects

Black Swan family is growing up

Welcome Swallows taking a rest

Two sea-dogs (err lake-dogs)

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...