Wednesday, 5 April 2023

March 2023

 Around the ACT - Summer temperatures until the end, then Autumn arrived.

Just a tree by a small lake, but I enjoy it every time I see it

A mix of waterbirds has returned from the floods further west

Australasian Grebes

A favourite roosting tree for cormorants and other waterbirds

A family group of Wood Ducks, but the dimple in front is an Eastern Water Dragon

Juvenile Superb Fairy Wren

I first thought I had a different bird - it is an old banksia cone

A large Dragonfly warming in the morning sun

Grey Fantails were moving along the creek

Masked Lapwing by Lake Ginninderra

Sulphur crested Cockatoos playing with Casuarina debris

And keeping a lookout

Two Kayak anglers discussing tactics

Superb Fairy Wren at the birdbath

Red Wattlebirds bath time

Crimson Rosella

Hot AirBalloons over Belconnen

Seadog 'Esme' concentrating on something out there

He's Baaack - Regular Tawny Frogmouth

Sunrise at #33

Infra-red on a walk - West Belconnen Pond

Infra-red on a walk -Lake Ginninderra

Dusky Moorhen

Purple Swamphen

Little Black Cormorant - Camera shy

String Quartet by Candlelight - on my Birthday

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...