Saturday, 2 March 2024

February 2024

 Not a great deal this month - just regular walks with the dogs, either at West Belconnen Ponds or Ginninderra Creek in Latham.

Site of a new bridge over the Molonglo River adjacent to Coppins Crossing.  Progress will be photographed and reported.

The first water tank in Canberra to be painted(decorated).  I have been meaning to photograph this for a few years now

Australian White Ibis and Wood Ducks along G Creek.

One of our Correas in flower - this one is a brighter red ands smaller flowers than normal.

A juvenile Eastern Spinebill in our garden - we have had three or four young birds this month.

Suburban expansion - also watching progress

Yet another painted  building - it beats the old drab graffiti covered pump houses or junction boxes

A newish footbridge/walkway around a cliff along G creek

Galahs preening

Australian White Ibis (again) - we have had a lot for them around this year

Finally - a fine crop of dandelions.

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...