Monday, 24 June 2024

May 2024 (Part 1)

In Darwin - May was busy, so it comes in two parts.  Des spent most days helping Kass at her clinic.

Two of about 6 ducklings on Sanctuary Lakes - one of our favourite dog walks

Put the drone up a few times while fishing - this is on Elizabeth River - Des says 'no crocs thank goodness'.

Here is Elizabeth River where it meets Darwin Harbour

A Great-billed Heron stalking the flats 

A pair of Stone Curlews at Marlow Lagoon (another favourite dog walk)

Collared Sparrowhawk on the Durack Golf Course.
Our apartment was over the road from a part of the course, and the dogs were walked alongside the fairway

Day trip to Hardies Lagoon with the boat

Lovely calm sunny day, but no fish (and no crocs)

This juvenile Buff-banded Rail got inside our apartment and did not appreciate being rescued

Male Figbird - There were large numbers around this visit

The wetlands were awash - Corroboree Billabong waterlilies

White-breasted Sea Eagle watching for a feed

Drone photo showing some of the extent of the wet.
With so much water spread out, the crocodiles were also spread out closer to the edges

Boat from the air

More of Corroboree and the wetlands

And again

And again

White-breasted Woodswallows loved a cuddle roost - again, large numbers around

Lee Point sunrise - another favourite dog walk

Grey-crowned Babbler - a large family lived on the Durack Golf Course


Tuesday, 18 June 2024

April 2024

 Apologies for the delay, but we left home mid April for Darwin via Brisbane, and my little laptop was not up to the editing task that I wanted.

Sunset over West Belconnen Pond

A floor level view of Esme and Pepper

A new pump station near Coppin's Crossing has been decorated

Molonglo River - Looking downstream.  The bare earth, top right, is now covered with houses since we got back from Darwin.

Looking at Coppins Crossing - the earthworks are for the John Gorton Drive which will cross the river on a high level bridge

Spotted Jezebel (Delias aganippe) in our garden

Autumn Claret

Pied Cormorant and Little Pied Cormorant.  The Pied Cormorant is an occasional visitor to Canberra

Sunset from the drone hovering above the house.

Sunrise - same place.

Our first night's stop - Beuledelah

Car and Boat - all the way there and back

Marina at Southport Qld (above and below)

Painted Silos at Monto Qld

Painted storage bins (Mung Beans) at Biloela Qld

Tree of Knolwledge - Barcaldine Qld
The tree was poisoned by vandals

Iron work art work at Barcaldine

'Nuff Said

They love straight roads between Longreach and Cloncurry

Blown grass caught on the fence - possibly Love Grass

Approaching Cloncurry

Dancing Goannas at Barkly Homestead

Sunrise at Barkly Homestead 

Flood waters either side of the Barkly Highway.
For quite a while we were worried we wouldn't get through as the road was cut.

Paddle to the picnic table

Pink Panther having a beer at Larrimah NT.  We arrived in Darwin that afternoon.

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...