Wednesday, 1 July 2020

June 2020

COVID-19 in June - some travel restrictions have been lifted and we managed a 3 day escape from Canberra.  I had a good month with the camera <grin>.

Spotted Pardalote working a Gum tree

Female Satin Bowerbird checking out the seed tray

I was taken by these trees in silhouette, then the truck rolled into the scene

Local Crimson Rosella

Foggy Morning - Carillon on Lake Burley Griffin

Foggy Morning - Captain Cook Jet

Foggy Morning - National Library of Australia across Lake Burley Griffin

Galah consultation

Female King Parrot

Crested Pigeon resting from the daily pigeon foot races

Esme excited over a low magpie

Grey Butcherbird and tucker

Eastern Rosella

In the middle of the month we had a three night stay at Corynnia Station northwest of Hay.  It was a great escape from home.

Drone view of the homestead area

Wet weather gear

Stock crate

Grain bin and oddments


Sunset - the dog was extra


Shearing shed

Boobook Owl in the barn, or a Barn Owl that is a Boobook

Awaiting a driver

Milky Way

Milky Way

Changing the tyre

Carathool Road - Donald Campbell broke the land speed along here at one stage

River Red Gum with lots of apartments

Carathool bridges

Murrumbidgee River

Drone view of Carathool Bridges

Wedgetailed Eagle

Sunrise with rain coming
 Back home we had some heavy rain that brought G Creek up

Semi Flood on G Creek

Boulders along the dog walk

More boulders

Galah in the fog

Along G Creek

Eastern Grey Kangaroos monitoring the dogs

Male King Parrot

Local moon - first quarter

The changing skyline across Lake Ginninderra

Changing Skyline across Lake Ginninderra

Australian Darter

B&W near the stepping stones

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