November done and dusted. Still photos around the local area only.
Horsefield Bush Lark
Male King Parrot from the front window
Sacred Kingfisher
Kangaroo Paw blooms in the front garden
Black-fronted Dotterel in a roadside puddle
Galah feeding on wild oats
Olive-backed Oriole on the nest
Australasian Pipit - Parkwood Road
Common Myna and a Hereford
The Frogmouth family
Magpie-Lark trying to move an intruder
Eurasian Skylark
Superb Fairy Wren
Australian Pelicans
Green and Gold across springtime paddocks
Esme carefully inspecting a tortoise
Grasses flowering - clouds of pollen blow off these
Mauve Thymeleaf Honey Myrtle
The Red Wattlebird families have been having border disputes in our front yard. At least two pairs have nested and there are six fledglings feeding or demanding to be fed .
Red Wattlebird
Red Wattlebirds