Saturday, 4 December 2021

November 2021

 November done and dusted.  Still photos around the local area only.

Horsefield Bush Lark 

Male King Parrot from the front window

Sacred Kingfisher

Kangaroo Paw blooms in the front garden

Black-fronted Dotterel in a roadside puddle

Galah feeding on wild oats

Olive-backed Oriole on the nest

Australasian Pipit - Parkwood Road

Common Myna and a Hereford 

The Frogmouth family

Magpie-Lark trying to move an intruder

Eurasian Skylark

Superb Fairy Wren

Australian Pelicans

Green and Gold across springtime paddocks

Esme carefully inspecting a tortoise

Grasses flowering - clouds of pollen blow off these

Mauve Thymeleaf Honey Myrtle

The Red Wattlebird families have been having border disputes in our front yard.  At least two pairs have nested and there are six fledglings feeding or demanding to be fed .

Red Wattlebird

Red Wattlebirds

Monday, 1 November 2021

October 2021

 Some freedoms from Covid lockdown and more spring visitors.  We still haven't gone any further afield than Belconnen and Canberra.

Eastern Rosella in the garden

Eastern Water Dragon 

Tawny Frogmouth - sat for six weeks then abandoned the nest.

Yellow-rumped Thornbill with nesting material

Crimson Rosella - Loves that bush.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo - demanding seed with menaces

Another tree attachment

Reed Warblers return

Egg n Bacon flowers

New leaves appearing

Scrivenor Dam after heavy rain

Young Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Adult Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Kangaroo Paw in the Garden

Sacred Kingfishers have returned to the creek

Tangle of Cunningham Skinks warming up

Leaden Flycatcher

Australian Pipit

Having a drink - Parkwood Road

Brown Skylark

Horsefield Bushlark

Female Satin Bowerbird

Second Frogmouth family doing well

Garden Lavender

Superb Fairy Wren

Masses of yellow

Sacred Kingfisher pair

Mum, Dad and Juniors have left the nest

Saturday, 2 October 2021

September 2021 - Still in Lockdown, but Spring has Sprung

 Spring is in the air - many of the Summer visitors have returned. 

Lots of vibrant yellow wattle.

Creek has been up and down - at this time, the stepping stones are passable with waterproof boots.
Currently, they are impassable, so a longer walk is involved.

Crested pigeons displaying - love is in the air.

Reed Warblers have returned to the creek edges.

The Swamp Wallaby is a regular

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes have returned.

Kookaburras are looking at hollows.

Eastern Water Dragons are warming up.

Cunningham Skinks are sunning themselves

This Crimson Rosella loves my Eremophila

 The Blue-tongue in the garden has emerged

Dusky Moorhen working along the creek's reeds.

White Everlastings are out

Satin Bowerbird (female)

Welcome Swallows are nesting under the bridges.

Wood Ducks on the creek


Native Clematis

Billycart parked off the path

Spitfires - haven't seen them in a while

Covey of Brown Quail along the path

Olive-backed Oriole calling - another Spring visitor.

Mrs Frogmouth - Dad is on the nest.

Spotted Pardalote

January 2025

 A Happy New Year to All Just out and about around Canberra and surrounds. Australian Raven on the birdbath Above and below - progress on th...