Saturday, 2 October 2021

September 2021 - Still in Lockdown, but Spring has Sprung

 Spring is in the air - many of the Summer visitors have returned. 

Lots of vibrant yellow wattle.

Creek has been up and down - at this time, the stepping stones are passable with waterproof boots.
Currently, they are impassable, so a longer walk is involved.

Crested pigeons displaying - love is in the air.

Reed Warblers have returned to the creek edges.

The Swamp Wallaby is a regular

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes have returned.

Kookaburras are looking at hollows.

Eastern Water Dragons are warming up.

Cunningham Skinks are sunning themselves

This Crimson Rosella loves my Eremophila

 The Blue-tongue in the garden has emerged

Dusky Moorhen working along the creek's reeds.

White Everlastings are out

Satin Bowerbird (female)

Welcome Swallows are nesting under the bridges.

Wood Ducks on the creek


Native Clematis

Billycart parked off the path

Spitfires - haven't seen them in a while

Covey of Brown Quail along the path

Olive-backed Oriole calling - another Spring visitor.

Mrs Frogmouth - Dad is on the nest.

Spotted Pardalote

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