Thursday, 5 May 2022

April 2022

 Mostly about our travels around Shepparton, Victoria

Out Protea has started flowering - we are getting many blooms like this from it.

One trip to West Belconnen Pond, I was lucky enough to photograph a Crested Grebe

And at Lake Ginninderra, a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo being a bit of a Galah

While an Australasian Grebe and two youngsters puddled among the weeds.

Young Dusky Woodswallows huddled on a bare branch, keeping warm

Another day, a White-eared Honeyeater was hunting under bark for whatever insects it could find.

Our Shepparton trip was to photograph the painted silos and water towers in the area and, as a warm-up, I went out to the new artwork on the slopes of One Tree Hill in the Canberra suburb of Taylor.

Heading down the Hume Highway, our first Water Tank was about 12 kilometres south of Tarcutta.  This is just on one side.

On the wall of the Finley Bowling Club

The Tungamah Silo

The St James Silos

The Devenish Silos

The Goorambat Silo

In the Winton Wetlands, these trees are painted with portions of a large fish, so from one perspective it appears whole.

At Tatura, there was a number of very good murals, of which this is one.

A mural on the wall of the museum of life in the WW2 POW camp

The silos at Colbinabbin

The silo at Rochester

Tongala had a lot of wall art scattered through the town

Finally - the silo at Picola

A bit more of the trip next month

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