Monday, 1 August 2022

July 2022 - Darwin then HOME

 Apologies for the number of photos - the camera was very busy.

Red-tailed Black Cockatoos were in large numbers along the Casuarina Coastal Reserve between Lee Point and Rapid Creek feeding over burnt ground.  I was informed roasted pandanus nuts were a favourite.


Sunset from our AirBnB.   It was the burning off season and quite smokey of an evening.

Bush Stone-curlews at Dripstone Cliffs

Elizabeth River Fishing Jetty.

WW2 Watchpost remains at Saltwater Creek - Casuarina Coastal Reserve


Blue-winged Kookaburra - Casuarina Coastal Reserve

Had an interesting afternoon in the boat on Elizabeth River, no fish but.....

Striated Heron

What to watch for whilst fishing - Saltwater Crocodile

Azure Kingfisher

Brahminy Kite

Fires towards Channel island


Most days I took the dogs for a walk - either at Marlow Lagoon, or Lee Point - always with camera.


                                                   Forest Kingfisher at Marlow Lagoon

Brown Goshawk at Marlow Lagoon

Great Bowerbird- Marlow Lagoon

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher- Marlow Lagoon

Pied Butcherbird - Marlow Lagoon

Little black Cormorants - Marlow Lagoon

Mangrove trees and roots - Lee Point

Red-capped Plover - Lee Point


BrahminX cattle - Fogg Dam area

Brown Falcon - Fogg Dam

Blue-winged Kookaburra - Fogg Dam area

Forest Kingfisher - Fogg Dam

Comb-crested Jacana - Fogg Dam


Little Corellas

I spent a day on the Mary River and at Corroboree Billabong,

Boss of the Billabong - Mary River

After an encounter with The Boss

The Boss on the Fishfinder


White-breasted Sea Eagle- Marlow Lagoon

More crocodiles - Corroboree Billabong

Young Comb-crested Jacanas - Corroboree Billabong

Adult Comb-crested Jacana - Corroboree Billabong


Orange-footed Scrubfowl - Lee Point

Rainbow Bee-eater - Lee Point

White-breasted Woodswallows starting to roost - Marlow Lagoon

Black Kite (finishing a meal) - Marlow Lagoon

White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike - Dripstone Cliffs

Sea Turtle motif on picnic shelters

High tide - Elizabeth River

Flying Fox colony - Elizabeth River

Dripstone Cliffs

A long wait and lots of photos to get this shot of a Tern at Lee Point

Emerald Fruit Dove - Lee Point

We had a great morning at the George Brown Botanical Gardens in Darwin

Torresian Imperial Pigeon

These trees fascinated us with their branches

Many rustic seats to rest on

A great Saltwater Crocodile statue


Sunset - Barkly Homestead, on the way home.

Cloncurry Corellas

A few of the Budgies along the way

Crimson Chat

Bourke's Painted Water-tower

Nevertire's Painted Water-tower

A familiar set to greet me back home.

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