Saturday, 1 July 2023

April,May & June 2023

 A Catchup of the last three months.

A mural painted on a pumping station near The Pinnacle Nature Reserve

Rabbits just outside The Pinnacle NR.  
Dogs could smell them but not see them.

Big Eastern Grey Kangaroo in our local nature reserve

Painted. Water Tower at Murrumbateman NSW

Autumn in Latham

Autumn in Latham

Eating size Redfin from West Belconnen Pond

Esme getting excited by a magpie

White-bellied Sea Eagle at Googong

Fly Agaric


Little Pied Cormorant in our local Nature Reserve

Rainbow Lorikeet - An irregular visitor to our garden

Speckled Warbler - Pinnacle Nature Reserve

A White-backed version of the Australian Magpie

Autumn next door

Autumn along the Creek

A morning's entertainment as a dead gum was removed from over the road.  A five year wait for it to happen, and then it was only the top half.

Sunrise from the back deck - wood fire smoke adding to the colouring

A Pinnacle NR regular

Black Swan at Breadalbane Wet Lagoon, one of about 30

Mural on the Latham Pumping Station

Mural on the Latham Pumping Station

Little Pied Cormorant with a large Yabby

A  bright rainbow over William Hovell Drive

Male King Parrot at the water bowl

Local Galah - regular visitors to the garden

Yellow-rumped Hornbill at Lake Ginninderra

Pair of Wedgetaile Eagles

Black-shouldered Kite

Old Farm Sheds

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