Sunday 1 October 2023

July, August &. September 2023

 A quiet quarter so combining some of the photos.  Our most common walk was closed for about three months while footbridges that had been condemned about three years ago were being replaced.  Most of our walks over that period were at either West Belconnen Pond or Lake Ginninderra.

At Haig Park markets - Des found gluten free donut van - YESSS!!

A Black Swan at West Belconnen Pond

We had a pair of Eastern Spinebills in our garden over winter

Red-browed Finches we often see on our dog walks

A very old shearing shed

Superb Fairy Wren foraging at Lake Ginninderra

Tawny Frogmouth pair returned to their winter location. They now have nestlings

White-plumed Honeyeaters at Lake Ginninnderra

Red-rumped Grass Parrot

Crimson Rosella

Superb Fairy Wren at West Belconnen Pond

Eastern Rosella

Eastern Spinebill in his breeding plumage

Australian Darter at Lake Ginninderra

Eastern Waterdragon along Ginninderra Creek

Scarlet Robin along Ginnninderra Creek

Cunningham Skink warming itself

Icon Water has a number of murals on their pumping Facilities

These are in Florey

A pair of Spotted Pardalotes along Ginninderra Creek

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May 2024 (Part 1)

In Darwin - May was busy, so it comes in two parts.  Des spent most days helping Kass at her clinic. Two of about 6 ducklings on Sanctuary L...