Tuesday 5 December 2023

October/November 2023

 Just around and about Belconnen - Mostly Umbagong District Park in Latham, and West Belconnen Pond in Dunlop.

One of the Ginninderra Creek Swamp Wallabies

Red-browed Finch with nesting material

An old favourite - the Kookaburra

Australasian Shoveller

Yellow Thornbill

Brush Turkey in Lane Cove

Flying Fox - causing consternation amongst the Currawongs

Cunninghams Skink sunning - along Ginninderra Creek

Tawny Frogmouth family before fledging

Tawny Frogmouth family after fledging

Googong Dam

Part of the art on a Latham sub-station

Mum, Dad and Joey

Mum & Joey

Rainbow Lorikeet feeding in our Red Ironbark
Every morning about six of them screeching happily

Australian Reed Warbler - a little shy

So far - a great year for butterflies

Little Black Cormorant - they turn up in numbers each year
 to feast on carp and Redfin fry

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