Monday 7 March 2022

February 2022

 A better month was February - finally away from Covid, although we're both still feeling the after effects.

Early in the month I was doing the rounds of the garden, when I noticed a bird trapped between the pumpkin plants and netting.  It turned out to be a young Tawny Frogmouth.  It had damaged its feathers to the extent it could not fly, so I delivered it to the local vet for on-forwarding to ACT Wildlife to care for it until it could be released into the wild again. I also learnt how to swear in Frogmouth!

On my regular dog walk, this time at Lake Ginninderra, a huge flock of Little Black Cormorants was gathered on the shore.

Balancing granite boulders - Namadgi has a lot of them, but they are intriguing.

Leaden Flycatcher along Ginninderra Creek

'Blue eyes' - Little Black Cormorant

Silver Gulls having an argument on which piece of rock belongs to whom

Purple Swamp Hen in flight

This pair is often near the car park when I walk along Ginninderra Creek

White-plumed honeyeater

February 19th we took off for a fortnight in Darwin!!  Next day was 'The Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruise'

One of the smaller beasties

A larger version of the Saltwater Crocodile

They will come out of the water after meat dangled at the end of a pole

The larger residents are named - this one being Casanova

Casanova doing his jump

I love the Black Kites that follow the boat looking for handouts

Black Kites can eat on the wing

Black Kite

RAIN - 4 days of it during a cyclone bypassing Darwin

Double-bar Finch with nesting material in its beak

Red-collared Lorikeet - a sub-species of the Rainbow Lorikeet

Visits to Fogg Dam:

Australian Bustard

Magpie Goose

Darter preening

White-breasted Sea Eagle

White-breasted Sea Eagle stooping, giving the local waterbirds a fright

Comb-crested Jacana (or Lotus Bird).  Their large feet allow them to walk on floating vegetation and lily pads

Water Lilies were doing well - almost flat enough for the Jacana to do its walk.

Termite Mounds on the way home from a yummy pizza lunch.

Visits to East Point

A young Jabiru scavenging at East Point

Little Friarbird

Spangled Drongo

White-breasted Woodswallow on the wing

Rufous-banded Honeyeater

Blue-faced Honeyeater.

Mornings at Sanctuary Lakes and Marlow Lagoon

Two-lined Dragon

Little Corellas - junior demanding food

Grey-crowned Babbler

Another four days of Darwin saved for next month.

March 2024

 Around Belconnen During the month we were visited daily by migrating Silvereyes to feed through our trees and shrubs.  Often they would tak...